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Our Tripawd Experiences

Sep 18

Our appointment was quick, but certainly not painless. Sebastian’s x-ray showed that his lungs are now filled with tumors. We looked at the x-ray from June first which looked amazing, and once today’s finished processing we switched over to it and his lungs are literally cluttered with masses. He is still bright eyed, alert, hungry and responsive so for now he’s home, but we were told he probably only has 1 to 3 weeks left with us. Needless to say we are heartbroken, but we will enjoy what time we have left with him and make any necessary decisions when the time is right; we have no intentions of allowing him to suffer.

He’s been an amazing friend to me for over 11 years (he was about 14 months old when I adopted him) and that is something I’ll always cherish. I was hoping for better news, and dreading this news, but I am thankful that today is not the day we need to say goodbye to our beautiful blue-eyed man. Hug your furry friends a little closer tonight and appreciate the time you have with them. It goes much too quickly. <3

5 comments so far

  1. benny55
    3:54 am - 9-18-2014


    And I can bare l y type fast enought to tell you Sassy had great quality time for an ADDITIONAL SEVEN MONTHS after mets were found!

    My Happy Hannah had a “baseball size” met/mets, clearly had it for quite awhile before discovered, and we got many months of GREAT quality time!!

    And one reason I feel so positive about Sebastian is because he is feeling great!!!

    I know this seems almost impossible…but get that “time frame” out of your head right now! You’ve been on this site long enought to know “time frames” don’t mean crap around here! No dog has a time frame stamped on his butt!! AND, many, many times dogs have had fast growing mets that, for whatever reason would slow down in growth, or remain the same for quite awhile!

    You may check with anholistic vet for some supplements. Dr. Charles Loops does phone consults and is very familiar with dogs on this site. Many believe he was able to extend tieme with his protocal.

    REGARDLESS, this trip has always been about staying innthe moment and beingfully present with Sebastian! NOTHING has changed in his world and he doesn’t give a rip about any ole xrays..never has, never will!!

    LET NOTHING ROB YOU OF YOUR TIME TOGETHER!!! Savor every blissful second, take lots of oictures, including selfies, and love and spoil and let Sebastian eat ice cream and cupcakes and donuts and lots of steaks!!!

    We are here with you…and Sebastian is with you!!

    Sending you love, lots of it..and big bowls of ice cream!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle

  2. Jane
    12:14 pm - 9-18-2014

    Really, Really sorry about the the news……I’m sad, I can’t imagine how you are doing :-(.

    He is really lucky to have you and Jono for parents.

    Thinking of you….HUGS…Jane

  3. leland4
    1:57 pm - 9-18-2014

    I am so sorry to hear this news. Like Sally mentioned our fur kids are amazing creatures in that sometimes they blow these “time frames” right out of the water. Sebastian overcame and adjusted to life as a Tripawd and I’m sure he’s not ready to let go that easily.

    Really enjoy this time that you have together and through in some extra spoiling…Sebastian so deserves it!

    Keeping you and Sebastian in my thoughts.

    Sahana and her Angel Leland

  4. 4myty
    9:15 pm - 9-18-2014

    I too am sorry you got this news. But guess what? Sebastian does not even know what mets are. Wouldn’t it be great to be a dog? Sounds as though he is still enjoying life. Spoil him a lot and let him have some special food treats. Holding you close in my thoughts, Lori and Ty

  5. maximutt
    1:25 am - 9-19-2014

    I’m sorry to hear about Sebastian’s lungs. This disease is a horrible thing, and it doesn’t play fair. But you have the right attitude: Sebastian is here today, he’s feeling pretty good, and he’s happy. And that’s all that matters right now. He’s not worrying about what his future may hold, and even though it’s the hardest thing to do, neither should you. Just take things day to day. Sebastian is a brave, strong boy, and he’s loved you all his life. Take your cues from him, and just be with him. There’s no expiration date stamped on him anywhere, so try not to worry about time right now. Just take today for what it is, and roll it over into tomorrow. We’ll all be keeping Sebastian and you in our thoughts. Stay strong.

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