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Our Tripawd Experiences

Jul 31

Sebastian is doing GREAT – still much better than before the ampawtation and potentially better than he had been for the several months or more (the lameness in his leg started around November, 2013.)  In the last week, he’s started running (well, quickly hopping…) around the house and even played with his Husky brothers, Nico and Brody, which is unusual for Sebastian who has never been all that into playing.  He mouthed at their backs and chased them up and down the hallway.  He then came into the living room and leaped himself right up onto the love seat.  I thought it was Brody as I only saw it happen out of the corner of my eye – they look pretty similar, both black and white huskies with blue-eyes – but when I lifted my head to look at him, I saw it was Sebastian and quickly pointed it out to my husband.  It’s easily been MONTHS since Sebastian leaped up onto anything given the painful limp he’d been experiencing before the surgery so we were both very pleasantly surprised.  He laid up there for a while and then when he decided he was done, he gracefully hopped back down onto the floor and meandered himself about the house.  The next day, I stood up from the living room couch and started down the hallway towards the bedrooms and found him laying on the bed / couch that is in our extra bedroom for guests (primarily my Mom, or “Granny” as she’s known in our family.)  The only way he could have gotten up there was to leap himself up once again – from the hardwood floor!  That’s when I quickly took this photo of Mr. Charming:



As you can see, his incision site has healed up quite nicely and his dark hairs are growing back.  I’m not sure how long he stayed up there because my husband and I left the house shortly thereafter and he was down by the time we got back, but based on his happy attitude when we returned, he most obviously didn’t injure himself on the way up or the way down.  He continues to inspire and amaze us day after day.  He’s a wonderful addition to our family and I’m still remarkably glad that we made the decision to move forward with the ampawtation.  I have a close long-time friend who I believe completely hit the nail on the head when he posted a comment on my Facebook page the night we brought Sebastian home.  In his words:

We sometimes forget that our pets are animals. They become members of our family, on the same level as a human being, similar to a son or daughter. 

We forget that animals are instinctively stronger than us. Whether we believe it or not, it’s true. They encounter rough times, real problems. You know what they do? They get back on their feet, without thinking twice. 

Way to be, Sebastian.

Truly couldn’t have said it better myself.

1 comment so far

  1. jerry
    9:53 pm - 8-2-2014

    Bravo! Sebastian you are looking fannnnntastic! How are you doing as far as your stamina on walks and things? I know most Huskies are pretty hard to slow down. Are you too?

    “Ampawtation”….that’s adorable!

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