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Our Tripawd Experiences

Jul 18

We are about a month in (the actual amputation was on 06/12/14) and Sebastian has continued to make outstanding progress.  Since being off the Tramadol and Gabapentin, his eyes have brightened and he is much more alert.  He is getting around very well and has even ventured off the carpeted runners and area rugs to the linoleum in the kitchen with what I believe to be a pretty good level of comfort and stability.  He has stopped “nesting” in weird places (under the kitchen booth, on the bedroom closet floor, etc.) and has even gone back to doing his normal “tuck and roll” which he’s done since we first met.  The tuck and roll I’m referencing is something he does when he comes near one of his “people” and rubs his face on our laps while licking us constantly.  He’s the same cuddle monster he’s always been, just with one less leg.  He has had normal bowel movements and seems to have stopped urinating in the house, though every once in a while we do notice a bit of urine just drip out when he’s relaxing.  The vet said this could be a result of him being a senior (he turned 12 on March 23rd), or could be indicative of an infection of some sort so he’s back on the antibiotics and we’re keeping a close watch on how often it’s happening and whether or not there are any specific triggers that cause it.  Honestly, it seems to me that it’s happening only when he’s very relaxed and having his tummy rubbed.  His hair is starting to grow back where he’d been shaved which is cool to see.  As a fluffy Husky, he has a seriously thick coat so I was curious as to when, or if, it’d grow back.  Initially we thought it was bruising but then realized it was actually the return of his black hair. Despite it being dark peach fuzz at this point, it is obviously on it’s way to growing back properly.

I realize this is a short update, and it doesn’t include any photos of his handsome face, but I have limited time right now… I promise to post another update sometime soon.  The moral of the story here is that this was DEFINITELY the right decision to make and I have yet to regret it.  I’m grateful to have him with me every morning when I wake-up and am relieved to see the pain gone from his eyes! <3

5 comments so far

  1. mamatomj
    1:54 am - 7-19-2014

    How great it is to hear such a positive progress report on your Sebastian. It sure is slow-going. But your pup is inspirational to me, as my new tripawd (2 1/2 weeks) Molly J is older as well. Keep going strong!

  2. fourminipups
    3:45 am - 7-19-2014

    Love to hear those happy updates!

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  3. leland4
    11:32 am - 7-19-2014

    That’s wonderful news!! I’m glad Sebastian is well on his way back to his old self minus the pain of course.

    Keep up the good work Sebastian!!!!

    Sahana and her Angel Leland

  4. benny55
    5:31 pm - 7-19-2014

    Sooooooo glad to hear this update! Always good to hear uplifting news ab o ut that handsome Sebastian!

    Keep on “tucking and rolling”…and a video of that would be great!

    Hugs to all!
    Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  5. jerry
    12:53 am - 7-23-2014

    Wellllllll…..OK we’ll forgive you for no photos….THIS TIME! 😉 Nah, just kidding, I’m really just thrilled to hear that things are SO GOOD! YAHOOO! Thanks for sharing the progress, so many folks need to hear that when they’re in the earliest, scariest stages of recovery.

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