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Our Tripawd Experiences

June, 2014 Archive

Jun 20

Sebastian came home a week and an hour ago. In that time, he’s made some significant progress. He hasn’t whimpered in days, which I’m sure is a good sign, he’s up and down the couple of stairs from the backdoor into our yard without a problem, and he’s getting up and moving around much quicker […]

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Jun 16

So we are now about 77 Hours past the end of surgery and Sebastian is doing remarkably well. He’s navigating our house and yard pretty much on his own and finally pooped this evening… Yay! Twice earlier he lifted his back leg, in true Sebastian style, to pee on the spot where his doggie brother, […]

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Jun 13

Sebastian slept fairly well last night, though I did wake up to him whimpering next to me. With a bit of encouragement he stood on his own. I wrapped the towel we are using to help support him around his torso, and we headed for the back door. In all honesty, this dog barely needed […]

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Jun 13

Our handsome guy made it safely through surgery and we are back home. He was able to stand and hop into our house with just a bit of assistance. Now we are resting together and hoping for a smooth night. The vet said the amputation went, “extremely well” which was obviously the best outcome we […]

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Jun 11

Our beautiful blue-eyed 12-year old Siberian Husky, Sebastian, is scheduled to undergo a full amputation of his front left leg (up through the shoulder) tomorrow.  He has been suffering from a large mass on his leg for the past number of months which has continually grown and gotten gnarlier and gnarlier over time.  Last Wednesday, he underwent […]

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